Exptraders Hyip Scam?
Exptraders website is facing some problems since last few days. Some people can access it while some other people can not access exptraders.com I still can access their website last 12 hours but now it seems that exptraders is gone.
When I perform a whois search to exptraders.com domain I get a strange result when I see that the domain name server is located at suspended-domain.com
Name Servers:
Until now I still haven't heard any information or update from Exptraders admin regarding their current situation.
Suspended domain name is quite common lately among hyip investment programs, usually due to the ponzi scheme issue. Many registrar don't want to be involved with domain that is suspected doing ponzi practice on their website. I've heard several domains were suspended before. And to be honest, it's much more worse then the ddos attacks or other server problems.
Sure a hyip program can change their domain name easily but it still can not protect them from another suspension since they still running the same ponzi scheme.
I don't know what is the real problem of Exptraders right now since there's still no official updates from the admin. One thing for sure, if they can not solve this problem soon people will start to think Exptraders is scam or going to an end.
When I perform a whois search to exptraders.com domain I get a strange result when I see that the domain name server is located at suspended-domain.com
Name Servers:
Until now I still haven't heard any information or update from Exptraders admin regarding their current situation.
Suspended domain name is quite common lately among hyip investment programs, usually due to the ponzi scheme issue. Many registrar don't want to be involved with domain that is suspected doing ponzi practice on their website. I've heard several domains were suspended before. And to be honest, it's much more worse then the ddos attacks or other server problems.
Sure a hyip program can change their domain name easily but it still can not protect them from another suspension since they still running the same ponzi scheme.
I don't know what is the real problem of Exptraders right now since there's still no official updates from the admin. One thing for sure, if they can not solve this problem soon people will start to think Exptraders is scam or going to an end.